Distance Riders’ has a logo!
New Zealand Distance Riders now has an official logo.
This logo was developed by Monty Kirkman of Julie O’ Glass, who has agreed to us using it. The Organisers chose this design after pondering a range of options. We believe it shows that journeying around New Zealand by motorcycle shouldn’t be as easy as joining the shortest distance between two places and that there is more fun to be had than just sticking to the main roads!
Expect to see this on our badges, patches and other memorabilia.
North Island 1,600
Registrations and Entry Forms
Come on distance riders. There’s a 1,600km-in-24-hours event starting in Turangi in October. If you’d like to ride in it, you’ll need to officially enter.
You can do this online here http://www.distanceriders.org.nz/the-north-island-1600.html. There’s also a downloadable form on that page that you can print off, complete and post to us at PO Box 29017, Ngaio, Wellington 6443. Bank account details for online payments are on the web page and on the printed form.
In our last newsletter we said we won’t be starting the event with less than 30 riders. We’re still short of that target but the Organisers have had a change of heart, and we’ll go with whatever numbers we get. If there are fewer than 30 participants, then there may be some nipping and tucking in terms of some of the advertised features we’ve been promoting, but there will be a ride. Any financial surplus after all costs have been paid will be divvied up and returned to participating riders.
We’ll advise in our August newsletter whether we’ll be going with the currently advertised plan or whether a Plan B will apply.
We will need to start incurring costs on your behalf soon if we’re going to deliver a worthwhile event. So if you’re a serious Distance Rider, please get your entry forms completed and returned and your entry fees paid ASAP.
Please spread the word – and this newsletter – to your riding buddies and any biker organisations you’re involved with. The more riders we get, the more of a social occasion October’s ride will be and the more services and benefits can be offered.
The Route
The Route is only known to the Organisers at the moment and may be shared with some of our Volunteers’ Team. It will remain a secret until 7:00pm on Friday 10 October when it will be revealed in the event’s control centre at Turangi.
We’ve had some enquiries about whether the route will be available in some sort of downloadable format for riders with GPS devices. The Organisers are still pondering that one. Whatever happens, all riders will be provided with detailed route instructions outlining all of the intersections where turns are needed and the distances between. That should make things straightforward for riders who use old-fashioned maps as well as those who prefer to let a machine show them the way home.
We will share one important thing with you about this year’s route. One section will entail a 240km gap between fuel stops. So if your ride’s range is going to be troubled by that, then you will need to carry fuel, or have a generous riding buddy. Or perhaps both!
Volunteers needed please
July is event volunteers’ month.
A successful event in October will need more than just riders. We’re after a team of volunteers to help be part of a roster at the Control Centre in Turangi; be motorcycle scrutineers before the start; take on checkpoint monitoring duties; and help with catering and any other things that may be needed to be done.
If you’re keen to be involved but not to ride, or know people who enjoy being part of the behind-the-scenes activities at events like these, then please let us know. Not all volunteers will be needed at Turangi. There will be manned checkpoints at a handful of locations around the North Island, so could people with geographic preferences please let us know so that we can mix and match.
We’re looking forward to seeing you in Turangi
If you have any questions, please drop us a line, either to [email protected] or write to us, NZ Distance Riders, PO Box 29017, Ngaio, Wellington 6443.
Mike Angell
John Maroulis
James Riley
Brett Sangster
New Zealand Distance Riders now has an official logo.
This logo was developed by Monty Kirkman of Julie O’ Glass, who has agreed to us using it. The Organisers chose this design after pondering a range of options. We believe it shows that journeying around New Zealand by motorcycle shouldn’t be as easy as joining the shortest distance between two places and that there is more fun to be had than just sticking to the main roads!
Expect to see this on our badges, patches and other memorabilia.
North Island 1,600
Registrations and Entry Forms
Come on distance riders. There’s a 1,600km-in-24-hours event starting in Turangi in October. If you’d like to ride in it, you’ll need to officially enter.
You can do this online here http://www.distanceriders.org.nz/the-north-island-1600.html. There’s also a downloadable form on that page that you can print off, complete and post to us at PO Box 29017, Ngaio, Wellington 6443. Bank account details for online payments are on the web page and on the printed form.
In our last newsletter we said we won’t be starting the event with less than 30 riders. We’re still short of that target but the Organisers have had a change of heart, and we’ll go with whatever numbers we get. If there are fewer than 30 participants, then there may be some nipping and tucking in terms of some of the advertised features we’ve been promoting, but there will be a ride. Any financial surplus after all costs have been paid will be divvied up and returned to participating riders.
We’ll advise in our August newsletter whether we’ll be going with the currently advertised plan or whether a Plan B will apply.
We will need to start incurring costs on your behalf soon if we’re going to deliver a worthwhile event. So if you’re a serious Distance Rider, please get your entry forms completed and returned and your entry fees paid ASAP.
Please spread the word – and this newsletter – to your riding buddies and any biker organisations you’re involved with. The more riders we get, the more of a social occasion October’s ride will be and the more services and benefits can be offered.
The Route
The Route is only known to the Organisers at the moment and may be shared with some of our Volunteers’ Team. It will remain a secret until 7:00pm on Friday 10 October when it will be revealed in the event’s control centre at Turangi.
We’ve had some enquiries about whether the route will be available in some sort of downloadable format for riders with GPS devices. The Organisers are still pondering that one. Whatever happens, all riders will be provided with detailed route instructions outlining all of the intersections where turns are needed and the distances between. That should make things straightforward for riders who use old-fashioned maps as well as those who prefer to let a machine show them the way home.
We will share one important thing with you about this year’s route. One section will entail a 240km gap between fuel stops. So if your ride’s range is going to be troubled by that, then you will need to carry fuel, or have a generous riding buddy. Or perhaps both!
Volunteers needed please
July is event volunteers’ month.
A successful event in October will need more than just riders. We’re after a team of volunteers to help be part of a roster at the Control Centre in Turangi; be motorcycle scrutineers before the start; take on checkpoint monitoring duties; and help with catering and any other things that may be needed to be done.
If you’re keen to be involved but not to ride, or know people who enjoy being part of the behind-the-scenes activities at events like these, then please let us know. Not all volunteers will be needed at Turangi. There will be manned checkpoints at a handful of locations around the North Island, so could people with geographic preferences please let us know so that we can mix and match.
We’re looking forward to seeing you in Turangi
If you have any questions, please drop us a line, either to [email protected] or write to us, NZ Distance Riders, PO Box 29017, Ngaio, Wellington 6443.
Mike Angell
John Maroulis
James Riley
Brett Sangster